Death, Friends, inspiration, Life, Poetry, Writing

A Poem of Loss: Where We Walk

Friend, I know loss like the knowledge that snow seldom sticks to sidewalks where we walk, or it stays soft for as long as it takes a running back prodiogy to run for a touchdown. Touch down, I know you'd hoped his feet would touch down on the ground again, and hopes wanted are dreams… Continue reading A Poem of Loss: Where We Walk

children, Communication, Friends, Holiday, inspiration, Joy, Photography, Poetry, Writing

A Poem: These Gifts Given in Times of Black Ice

My favorite Christmas picture of Corrie from 2017. The poem below is written as a "thank you" to so many people who sent us cards, messages, or gifts in support of our journey without Corrie. This is a poem you have to read through with the biggest "thank you" to Mom and my husband, John.… Continue reading A Poem: These Gifts Given in Times of Black Ice

Art, Family, parenting, Photography, Poetry, Writing

Candy Cane: A Corrie Poem

Corrie sang last year in her preschool's Christmas concert, and of course puts her hands in her sleeves. Corrie om Christmas Day last year sitting on her new Frozen bike in the box. The last picture ever both of my children with Santa Claus. Corrie with all the coloring and Frozen book collection on the… Continue reading Candy Cane: A Corrie Poem

autism, children, Communication, Family, Life, Poetry

A Sibling Love Story: Poem for Corrie and Hayes

Hayes and Corrie in early May 2020. sticks in black water, the lake where my grandparents lived looked  black until you crept to the side and saw sticks with splintered stems.  i’ve heard love stories like that before. the story where a couple chooses the happiest moments for coffee mugs,  pillows, and twentieth anniversary albums.… Continue reading A Sibling Love Story: Poem for Corrie and Hayes

Art, children, Communication, Family, Life, parenthood, Photography, Photos, Poetry, Writing

The Best Reason Why: John, His Service, and His Poem

Some loves experience more pies in the face than ballets and dreams sold to strangers on a holiday channel.