Education, Family, Poetry, Writing

Days of a Working Writer

I want to write. I got to write. Cliches. Who minds? Little time to write more than a  few words. Complete sentences, maybe. Is it sign I'm lazy, or just the sign of the times working from six a.m. or sometimes five.   Head stuck in a book. Close the book. Son wakes up. Sweet… Continue reading Days of a Working Writer


Pace. Set. Go.

Gotta post it. Gotta post it. Gotta post it … turns into that same annoying song you hear in your head again and again. It's on the same as a Brittney Spears's song. The bad thing about it playing in your head is that you can't turn it off. Yes, you can. One of the… Continue reading Pace. Set. Go.

Blogging, Journalism, Life, Literature, Publishing, Writing

Remembering Confidence

I am still here. I am even writing again. You: You mean you stopped? The Craziest Best Professor Ever Creatively, yeah. There was a situation. Something about working extremely hard for an insane professor who said, "You need to forget everything you've ever been told about writing," and a professor who gave straight A education students Cs… Continue reading Remembering Confidence