Bereaved Parents, Child loss, Family, flowers, Life, nature, Photography, Photos, Poetry

A Time for Heroes in the Return to Arendelle: A Corrie Poem and Garden Pictures

We named the new garden Arendelle, after John, my husband, recommended calling it the North Garden. It honors Corrie's love of Frozen.

Family, Joy, Life, marriage, Photos, Poetry

A Forever Kind of Love

John and our son, Hayes, during a visit to the beach. I loved him then. I love him now. I loved him when his mother died. I loved him when he became a father-leader. I loved him when his father died. I loved him when the tornado came. I loved him when COVID hit. I… Continue reading A Forever Kind of Love

Advocacy, bereavement, Education, Joy, Life, Writing

LEGO: A Love Story, Part I

Throughout these two-and-half years (three years this May) after Corrie earned her wings, and during which John battled stage 3 colon cancer, we've had many stories from Corrie's garden, to Hayes' growth, in education and with us.  Another part involves LEGO.