Blogging, Books, Education, Family, History, Life, Literature, The Bannisters, Writing

Why We Need to Pay Attention to Men and Boys

JD Bannister wants attention. Not just anyone's attention. He needs his father to care. In the opinion of my character, Andrew Bannister, his son has everything. He provides JD with a big house, playroom, and expensive toys and clothes. A main character in the manuscript, Sons of the Edisto, JD experiences another kind of desertion.… Continue reading Why We Need to Pay Attention to Men and Boys

Books, Family, Life, Literature, Poetry, Writing

Write it Honest

Take up the pages. They belong to you. It does not matter what the subject is. The matter belongs to you, too. Since the last week in July, my schedule has been abnormal. I chose to take one month off from writing to take time with the boys, John and Charles, and to train for a… Continue reading Write it Honest

Books, History, Life, Writing

Boys at War

Boys went to war. My great-uncle was one of them. His plane was shot down over the Mediterranean Sea in World War II. Saint Paul's  Cathedral lists his name in the American Memorial book in London. Now women serve, and I thank men and women for their dedication, training, and sacrifice that is beyond our imaginations.… Continue reading Boys at War

Blogging, Life, Photography, Poetry, Travel, Writing

Through the Mountains, Part I: When Hope Rises

Two campers light a fire using a propane backpack cook stove. Light rain trickles from the sky. Drops touch toes, hiking books, stone, and extinguish fire. Prior to the Great Smokey Mountains National Park, the same men hiked 15 miles up a mountain to an inn. They also carried dinner they wanted the inn cooking staff to… Continue reading Through the Mountains, Part I: When Hope Rises

Blogging, Books, Family, Life, Literature, Photography, Travel, Writing

Coming Back – What Does it Mean to Return Home?

I am back. Back from road tripping and one week of training for a new job. I return to the keyboard, as I have many times before, to write. Ideas came to mind as I drove past peach trees and a restored house constructed either in the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century.  New peach… Continue reading Coming Back – What Does it Mean to Return Home?

Family, Food, Life, Photography, Travel, Uncategorized, Writing

Under Exposed: The South Carolina Upcountry

The twenty-first century fades on the Cherokee Foothills Scenic Highway. Known for the Gaffney Peachiod, early American history, and the Blue Ridge Mountains and foothills, automobiles drive past landscape seemingly unchanged with exception of the road. Before you pack up for Orlando or California, consider what you might find on roads less explored. There are… Continue reading Under Exposed: The South Carolina Upcountry

Blogging, Books, Cooking, Life, Photography, Travel, Writing

Where Magic Lives

Legends say magic rises through winter mist; a mist so thick you must hold your hand two inches from your face to see it. The summer feels more like a South Carolina autumn. Humidity stays at the ground level, and river water is cool. The Blue Ridge Parkway is one of the first roads in the… Continue reading Where Magic Lives