Blogging, Journalism, Life, Literature, Publishing, Writing

Remembering Confidence

I am still here. I am even writing again. You: You mean you stopped? The Craziest Best Professor Ever Creatively, yeah. There was a situation. Something about working extremely hard for an insane professor who said, "You need to forget everything you've ever been told about writing," and a professor who gave straight A education students Cs… Continue reading Remembering Confidence

Blogging, Education, Life, Literature, Writing

When We Write Letters, Part VII

Cell phone alarm rings again. You wake up slowly and grab your clothes in the dark. Maybe you forget to check whether clothes match. Going outside, you realize it's raining. You're already behind the time it takes to get to work or to school. You race to the car. Just before you turn into the parking… Continue reading When We Write Letters, Part VII

Blogging, Literature, Poetry, Writing

By the Drink Published

By the Drink was published Sunday by Blue Ridge Literary Prose. I was excited to discover the new online literary magazine. It is my first contemporary story to be published, and my fifth creative publication. I wrote the original draft of By the Drink in June 2011. It was the first contemporary story I considered… Continue reading By the Drink Published

Blogging, Books, History, Life, Literature, The Bannisters, Writing

Six Sentence Sunday

It is a great idea. You know: the six sentence Sunday. I have read great six sentence Sunday posts by favorite bloggers, such as Jennifer M. Eaton or The View Outside. Inspired, I thought I would take part this week. I look for ways to share pieces of my writing related to Sons of the… Continue reading Six Sentence Sunday