Bereaved Parents, Poetry, Writing

A Poem for my Friends: The Moment When

Step outside one day at a time, and refuse to recoil when I hear that people are putting out their hummingbird feeders again for such birds of blue and green my Corrie shows to me in my sleep.

Death, Friends, inspiration, Life, Poetry, Writing

A Poem of Loss: Where We Walk

Friend, I know loss like the knowledge that snow seldom sticks to sidewalks where we walk, or it stays soft for as long as it takes a running back prodiogy to run for a touchdown. Touch down, I know you'd hoped his feet would touch down on the ground again, and hopes wanted are dreams… Continue reading A Poem of Loss: Where We Walk

Blogging, Books, Economy, Education, Writing

Friday Night Writes: Reasons Why We Write

Write what you know. Write what inspires you. Write about what you're interested in. Write about what you're willing to research. Write what you fear. Courtesy of Some bloggers write to share knowledge of publishing and share how-to query. Others blog to write. I have heard the above advice and reasons at different points… Continue reading Friday Night Writes: Reasons Why We Write