Art, Books, Family, inspiration, Publishing, Writing

When and Why We Write

Sometimes when we write, ... we're really writing for someone else. Authors write for ourselves, too, otherwise: Why do it? Now, I am grateful to add poet with my author achievements because two of my poems will be published later this year. My therapist asked me what she thought was a strange question: "Can I… Continue reading When and Why We Write

Art, Books, Literature, Published, Publishing, Writing

Craft a Smaller Collection from your Longer Chapbook

Poetry's dead, man. No one wants to read it. Chill. I'm kidding.  I don't know. Some people may argue poetry, like rock-n-roll, is dead; on it's way to a recycle or scrap yard like newspapers. As an poet alone, the truth remains--unless by some magical knowledge you know of and I don't--that books of poetry rarely sale. … Continue reading Craft a Smaller Collection from your Longer Chapbook

Blogging, Life, Literature, Published, Publishing, Writing

How do You Know What Subject is Best for Your Writing?

Tell me. What's your story? You have to have a hook, right? You have about 30 seconds to get someone's attention rather a literary agent, publisher, or someone to whom you're trying to introduce your writing.   I know the feeling.  It still sometimes feels uncomfortable for me to feel like I'm promoting my writing when some… Continue reading How do You Know What Subject is Best for Your Writing?

Art, Education, Literature, Poetry, Publishing, Writing

Make Your Poetry Ugly Beautiful

Do what? Poetry. Who needs it? It does not sale in the market if you're looking to make money. For people who read, poetry seems to cause emotions almost as extreme as politics. They either like or they don't. My husband has hated poetry most of his life, but claims I am bringing him around… Continue reading Make Your Poetry Ugly Beautiful

Published, Publishing, Writing

Elliot McSwean Story Published

Ten-year-old Elliot McSwean trips again! Alfie Dog, a publishing company that publishes children's stories and books, has published my third Adventures of Elliot McSwean story. Alfie Dog published Adventures of Elliot McSwean: The Watchman January 28, 2015. This is the fourth time an Elliot McSwean story has been published. Adventures of Elliot McSwean: The Question was published in Black Fox Literary Magazine's 2013… Continue reading Elliot McSwean Story Published

Blogging, Life, Publishing, Writing

Time Best Spent Writing

Your son comes in the bathroom. He sits on the floor and asks when you're going to play in his room with him. The new baby cries ready to be fed. "We will play after nap," I say. Just a few moments before, your son had entertained himself and the baby slept. You have just… Continue reading Time Best Spent Writing

Blogging, Journalism, Life, Literature, Publishing, Writing

Remembering Confidence

I am still here. I am even writing again. You: You mean you stopped? The Craziest Best Professor Ever Creatively, yeah. There was a situation. Something about working extremely hard for an insane professor who said, "You need to forget everything you've ever been told about writing," and a professor who gave straight A education students Cs… Continue reading Remembering Confidence

Blogging, Books, Economy, Life, Literature, Publishing, Writing

Let’s Catch Up: How You’re Doing and How I’m Doing

I found this online and wanted to share it with you. Courtesy of Have you ever been in a situation where your mind goes blank and you forget to use your or you're? It is like the use of their, they're or there. Last week, I was writing a short essay for my English… Continue reading Let’s Catch Up: How You’re Doing and How I’m Doing