garden photos, gardens, Life, Loss, Mental Health, Photos

The Summer Change in the Arendelle Garden Beds

When Mom bought tulips for the Butterfly Garden three years ago, I knew very little about gardening.

It was June, one year and one month after Corrie’s sudden death. I understood enough about gardening to consider: I don’t think it’s the right time of year for these.

I put the three tulips in the ground, and sure enough, the flowers quickly died. The bulbs didn’t produce the next spring, either.

Before Corrie’s sudden death on May 27, 2020; I never believed I’d experience a greater love than what I feel for my children, husband, family, and the art of writing. While I wrote a lot in the two years after, it gradually dropped off due to the effect of my medication. It sometimes makes me ambivalent, and takes away interest in writing.

But, I became a gardener. I am not an expert, compared with my experience and education in writing.

A daylily I’d planted last fall in the side garden bed in Corrie’s Arendelle Garden.
It’s a little hard to see where I replaced the pansies with petunias because the day lilies are about to show off.

As I discuss in today’s TikTok video I made about the side bed in Corrie’s Arendelle Garden, my daughter inspired me. I never had an interest. The act of gardening saved me, gave me an outlet for my grief, and also released a part of Corrie back into the world.

Writing, pictures and video by R.A. Bridges

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