Family, garden, Life, Loss, marriage, parenthood, parenting, real love

Thank You to my Ramblin’ Boys

But I chose the Kenny Chesney version because the emotion with which he performed expresses the outpouring of love I possess for Hayes and John, my boys. It says, to me, no matter what, we're coming home where we can be ourselves. We can be the most unadorned version of ourselves without worry about what anyone says or judgement we might face in other circumstances.

Family, garden, Grief, inspiration, reality, TikTok Video

Getting Real in Grief, Gardening, and Giving Yourself Grace

Love doesn't get lost in the mail. Love does not go to the spam folder. Love isn't a video lost in internet searches. Love is now. Love is yesterday. Love is today, and it is the future.

Family, garden, garden photos, gardens, inspiration, Life, nature, Photography, Photos

Take Pride in Your Gardens

... simply stand back and enjoy your garden. Take pride in the world or retreat you've created. It doesn't matter if you have a small space, indoor plants, all sun, or a lot of shade.

Family, garden, garden photos, gardens, Life, Loss, Mental Health, nature, Photography, Photos

Our Finest Hour

Maybe we identify it through promotion, when our child's born, adopting the dog, cat or other pet we always wanted. Perhaps it's realizing a dream to attend the Eras Tour with Taylor Swift, or attending a Beyonce concert.

garden photos, gardens, Life, Loss, Mental Health, Photos

The Summer Change in the Arendelle Garden Beds

As I discuss in today's TikTok video I made about the side bed in Corrie's Arendelle Garden, my daughter inspired me. I never had an interest. The act of gardening saved me, gave me an outlet for my grief, and also released a part of Corrie back into the world.

garden, gardens

A Snake on the Front Porch John once said, "There was a time Becca would kill an artificial plant." I took a gamble this week. I began making content about Corrie's gardens and gardening on TikTok. I hope to share her gardens, what I've learned, and how the act of care for plants and gardens saved my life. Without the… Continue reading A Snake on the Front Porch