Bereaved Parents, Child loss, children, garden, garden photos, gardens, Grief, Life, Photography, Photos, Poetry

Four Years to the Day

write, share videos and pictures of Corrie, and excerpts from her poems; not to forever revisit or stay in the darkness, but we must remember my family and I had to--and sometimes still--travel through this heartbreak and hardship to reach some new light.

Bereaved Parents, bereavement, Child loss, Mental Health, Poetry, Writing

In the Middle of Some Road

Mask 1 hides the bereaved mother screaming inside. She asks, “Why am I still alive?” but I tuck her down deep, even put her to sleep, so she will not speak all that is one her mind. "Shhh … little momma, don’t you cry" although your daughter is not alive.

autism, Bereaved Parents, Child loss, children, Family, Grief, Life, Loss, Mental Health, Photography, Photos, Poetry

A Picasso Shade of Blue

Born with a different kind of mind– and not the etch-a-sketch kind with the straight edges and directions to flow–is like sitting on the steps of the shallow end without a clue of how to swim or where to go.

Bereaved Parents, bereavement, Child loss, Family, flowers, garden, Grief, inspiration, Joy, Life, Loss, Mental Health, Photography, Photos

Pictures Tell a Thousand Stories

It drove my second grade teacher Mrs. Rewis crazy if a student said, "a hundred" or "a thousand" because these weren't precise numbers. A student could say, "one hundred," and this is accurate. But some stories don't possess an exact number ...

Bereaved Parents, bereavement, Child loss, children, Family, garden, Grief, Joy, Life, parenthood, Photography, Photos

A Message of Thanks from Corrie’s Family

When I consider the message of Thanksgiving, a lot of words fill my mind and heart for what I wish others to know and feel.