bereavement, children, Family, parenthood, Poetry, Writing

Things We Never Fabricate: A Corrie Poem Read Aloud Corrie, as I mention in the poem, in rain boots at the beach. This is the grave I mention in the poem. She has new balloon and a flag. As I put down the box made of a basket’s weave next to the space where Baby Alex rests, an angel statue lays on its… Continue reading Things We Never Fabricate: A Corrie Poem Read Aloud

children, Family, inspiration, Life, parenthood, parenting, Poetry, Writing

A Corrie Poem: A Day

There will come a day, as days come and days fade, when i look at the walls after I walk through the double doors to pick up my son from his elementary school.

Family, Grief, Life, Mental Health, parenting, Photography, Writing

I Walk in the Tides

Wednesday was the first day I'd felt happy, since May 26, 2020. While I'd experienced moments of contentment, bittersweet joy, or laughed; I'd been divorced from happiness for a while. As Hayes and I went to school, Danger Zone came on the radio.

Family, Life, memoir, parenthood, parenting, Photography, Photos, Writing

Memoir Inspiration: Corrie and Hayes

Great stories take us to a place we’ve never been. Maybe it’s a place we dream of going, but for whatever reason, we’re unable. The Emotion It’s like this. Remember being a kid.  If you went on a trip, imagine the excitement just before, and the classic question: “When are we leaving?” Multiply that question… Continue reading Memoir Inspiration: Corrie and Hayes

Blogging, Grief, parenthood, parenting, Photography, Photos, Writing

Ain’t No One’s Humpty Dumpty

If you read a children's nursery rhyme, something dark crawls beneath its surface. Take Humpty Dumpty for example. He "sat on a wall." Okay, it seems simple."Humpty Dumpty had a great fall."Okay, he fell. So did Jack and Jill. "All the King's horsemen and the King's men couldn't put Humpty together again."It seems simple, right?There was nothing anyone could… Continue reading Ain’t No One’s Humpty Dumpty

Death, Family, Grief, parenthood, parenting, Writing

Life after Her Death

There is a sense you have nothing to lose after a major life catastrophe. I have previously written about having a purpose to write.  Life experience has offered some funny situations  about which I’ve written and more serious events.  I thought there would be just a period of relief after last school year and a… Continue reading Life after Her Death