Family, garden, Life, Loss, marriage, parenthood, parenting, real love

Thank You to my Ramblin’ Boys

But I chose the Kenny Chesney version because the emotion with which he performed expresses the outpouring of love I possess for Hayes and John, my boys. It says, to me, no matter what, we're coming home where we can be ourselves. We can be the most unadorned version of ourselves without worry about what anyone says or judgement we might face in other circumstances.

Bereaved Parents, bereavement, Child loss, Grief, marriage, parenthood, parenting, Photography, Photos

Through Everything: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

But what was truly beautiful included how he recognized our growth as a family when he said last night: "Who would've thought we'd decorate again; that you'd go to this extent to put up lights [for Christmas]?"

Bereaved Parents, bereavement, Child loss, children, Family, garden, Grief, Joy, Life, parenthood, Photography, Photos

A Message of Thanks from Corrie’s Family

When I consider the message of Thanksgiving, a lot of words fill my mind and heart for what I wish others to know and feel.

Advocacy, Bereaved Parents, bereavement, Grief, inspiration, Life, Loss, parenthood

Reemergence: Those Sweet Honeybees don’t Know Me

Remember, those sweet honeybees don't know me. A sparkling sassiness has overtaken the sarcasm, which was always a part of my personality. It's an attitude of: "Honey, if you don't like it, there's the door. The beautiful thing about the door is that you can fit through it and I can shut it."

Bereaved Parents, bereavement, Child loss, Grief, inspiration, Loss, parenthood, Photos, Writing

Happy 8th Birthday, Corrie! (with poem)

Happy heavenly birthday to our daughter, Corrie! This is her third birthday in heaven, and it marks two-and-a-half-years since Corrie earned her wings. Besides already being a difficult time, it also marks half of the life she lived on Earth. I haven't written in a while because as I get closer to times of remembrance,… Continue reading Happy 8th Birthday, Corrie! (with poem)

autism, Bereaved Parents, Child loss, children, parenthood, Poetry

Dreams for My Children: a Poem for Corrie and Her Brother

In a dream, I heard her laughter. She bounced on the bed I could feel her arms around me, and see her curls wrap around her face. As always, her hair flew unkempt, unbrushed as if she'd just read Where the Wild Things Are. I'd laugh and tell her, "She was one of the the… Continue reading Dreams for My Children: a Poem for Corrie and Her Brother